UP Skyline Puzzle

Anyone who’s ever been to Chicago knows one thing: somehow, someway, you’re going to end up at Millennium Park, staring up at The Bean.

Every time someone visits me in Evanston, they ask to go see The Bean. I’ve probably seen The Bean 50 times. I might have a rare condition known as “Seenthebeanwaymorethanieverneededtoitis.”

At the same time, though, I remember the first time I went and visited The Loop my freshman year. One Saturday, my roommate and I kinda just explored Chicago for a while, walked around the park, and wound up on that giant ramp leading up to the Art Institute.

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In that moment, gazing around the Chicago skyline, I thought to myself, Wow, this place is pretty dope. I could see myself living here down the road. The connection to the Windy City was memorialized with the Original Unplugg’d Cover Photo, which you could find on our publication and all of our social media platforms.

With a global pandemic spanning the globe, you’ve probably found yourself a) indoors a lot and b) a little stressed out. Lucky for you, our 500-piece UP Skyline Puzzle is here to help! Researchers have found that puzzles are extremely effective at keeping stress levels down due to keeping us from multi-tasking and honing in one goal: to solve the damn thing.

Also, since stress is something that can directly worsen our mental health, we’ve decided to donate 10% of all profits to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the largest mental health organization in the U.S. that promotes education, advocacy, and support for people who experience mental illness.

You can cop an UP Skyline Puzzle from our official store below!